The Straight G

The Straight G is our performance board for the Round Pin enthusiast's. It has a moderate entry rocker with single concave that blends into a double between the fins and tapers off the tail with a little kick in the last 3" of tail rocker that works perfect with Round Pin outline. The result is a super snappy vertical pocket carving board that maintains speed through turns.

Stock Dims

6'6 x 21 1/2 x 2 7/8 43L

6'4 x 21 1/4 x 2 3/4 41L

6'2 x 20 7/8 x 2 5/8 36.75L

6'0 x 20 1/2 x 2 9/16 34L

5'10 x 20 x 2 1/2 30.75L

5'8 x 19 3/4 x 2 7/16 29.5L

5'6 x 19 1/4 x 2 3/8 27L




Mud Hen